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Almblad Gallery

Shooting Star



Wishing upon a falling star...flash, streak...gone.

Or was that a shooting star?

Yes, it must be a star shooting, flashing, flying, but not gone.

Forever real in the heart and memory...that moment of meeting.

Happiness, joy, expectancy of life heightens, the joy deepens, the

Happiness alive and free.


Touching first hand to hand, then heart to heart, for

Truly yes, life is found in the living.

Day by day unfolding opportunities to choose life.

Life between two blossoming into fullness and beauty.

Within, peace flowing like a quiet nice.


Something hidden, something found.

A door opens and welcomes into my life a new freshness.

Crispness, clarity–focusing in on a developing vision,

Surely the treasure has been found.


Slowly opening and exploring,

Surprised, but yet not.

Simply saying...yes.


Watching, waiting, trusting, and hoping has

Been met with the faithfulness of God’s Love.


From the beginning until the end, even so, hand in


Stained Glass


site design by: GrafiXpress