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Almblad Gallery

Making Love...or War?



Fascist Pig

Violence within nations

Pain between brothers and sisters

Destruction of traditions

of families and friends.

Hatred and bitterness has

Become the avant-garde.

Bodies entangled...making Love or War?


Acceptance of starvation and

Passion to maintain status quo

Results in governmental

Elections where the winner is the

One with the least mud on his or her face.


We have bowed down to Hollywood

rather then raising the

Quality of Life.

Tension is present to bring peace, to

Instill truth, But

Who will Stand and Deliver?


Individuals who will choose love

Rather then judgment and war.

Fear is simply a deception, a lie

We look and see reasons to fight

Rather than seeing

Opportunities to Love.


Each of us, one by one, Face to Face

Must make the choice for life.

Who will begin...closely

Making love or making war?



Stained Glass


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